6 Painless Fibromyalgia Symptoms That Often Go Unnoticed

Fibromyalgia pain can easily derail your entire life. It’s an agonizing and seemingly endless experience that leaves you unable to do the things others take for granted. But while this pain is the most noticeable symptom and the one that usually sends people to the  doctor for the first time, there are a large number of painless fibromyalgia symptoms.

And because many of these symptoms aren’t things people typically associate with fibromyalgia, they often go unnoticed, which can delay getting a diagnosis. So, here are some painless fibromyalgia symptoms you need to watch out for.

6 Painless Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibro Fog

One of the most common – and hard to recognize – painless symptoms of fibromyalgia is what is called “fibrous fog”. Essentially, it’s a kind of mental haze that affects people with fibromyalgia from time to time and results in a range of mental symptoms.

Usually, fibro fog makes it hard to concentrate on daily tasks or makes you forget simple details you just learned. It’s not uncommon for someone with fibro fog to do something like leave their house keys in the door or spend half an hour looking for their cell phone only to realize it’s in their hand.

You might even forget the names of people you just met, which can be very embarrassing. But these are all things that happen to everyone from time to time, which makes it difficult to immediately associate this symptom with fibromyalgia. But if you’re still having trouble focusing, you may be suffering from fibro fog.


Anxiety is another common indomitable symptom of fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, everyone feels anxious from time to time and a large number of people around the world suffer from anxiety disorders. For example, 18% of all Americans struggle daily with severe anxiety, making it the most common mental illness in the nation.

But persistent anxiety is also associated with fibromyalgia. And that means if you experience panic attacks or feelings of fear regularly, you could have the condition

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